JON CONE is a Canadian who lives in Iowa City with his wife and two children. His poems can be found in glossy journals and fugitive zines above and below the border and beyond. Recently he was featured in 1913: A Journal of Forms. For nine years he edited the international literary review World Letter. His Sitting Getting Up Sitting Again has been issued by Standing Guard in a Cornfield Press.

CLAUDIA GRINNELL was born and raised in Germany. She now lives in Louisiana, where she teaches at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Her first book of poems, Conditions Horizontal, was published by Missing Consonant Press in 2001. Among her honors are the Southern Women Writers Emerging Poets Award and a Louisiana Division of the Arts Fellowship (2005). She is an editor for turnrow.

KLIPSCHUTZ (aka Kurt Lipschutz) lives in San Francisco. His collections are Twilight of the Male Ego (Tsunami Inc., 2002), The Good Neighbor Policy (End of the Century Press, 1989) and The Erection of Scaffolding for the Re-Painting of Heaven by the Lowest Bidder (privately printed, 1985). The editor of this volume, he picked three worthies far-flung and diverse—of whose talent he is jealous—then, in a nod to Dick Cheney, recommended himself.


ALBERT SGAMBATI is a native of New York City currently based in Mexico City where he freelances as a writer and film consultant. During the 90s he was a beat reporter for Mexico City’s English language national daily, The News. Work in various genres has appeared here, there, and in Anthology of American Poets 1980’s (Big Scream, 1989). His novel, The Waiting Room, is out from Miami University Press (2006).